Ford F-150

Ford F-150

AutoBazar.US already accepts orders for the delivery of the long-awaited new Ford F-150 2025 directly from the USA to any country in the world! Orders are open.

Price from:

MSRP for the base vehicle. Does not include dealer fees and shipping charges. Optional equipment not included.


Prepayment is required for the preorder. The deposit agreement will be concluded only after confirming the order after the cars arrive at the dealership.


From 3 Mount.
Delivery time may vary by destination port.


From 20%
This model is not presented in the main export markets of AutoBazar.Us. When ordering directly from the USA, the buyer saves up to 20% of the cost of a car.
New standard engine
Popular, powerful, efficient 2.7-liter EcoBoost now increases horsepower and torque on base offering
Power of Choice
Engine lineup includes a 2.7-liter EcoBoost, 3.5-liter EcoBoost, 3.5-liter PowerBoost, 3.5-liter High Output (F-150 Raptor) 5.0-liter V8, 5.2-liter supercharged V8 (F-150 Raptor R)
Built Ford Tough
The foundation for F-150 is a fully boxed high-strength steel frame with a high-strength, military-grade, aluminum alloy body, allowing customers best-in-class available payload and max towing capability.
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Best Towing

Best-in-class maximum available towing capacity of 6123.5 kg


Power Meets Efficiency

Impressive power you need with the efficiency you want. The available 3.5L PowerBoost Full Hybrid V6 engine cranks out a hefty dose of power — 430 horsepower and 772 Nm of torque.


Head-Up Display

Real-time driving information projected onto the windshield. So your eyes don't leave the road.


Towing Tech

Innovative towing technology helps you hitch up, back up and tow confidently.


Hands-Free Highway Driving

Experience the freedom of being able to let go with Ford BlueCruise Hands-Free Highway Driving.


Designed To Get Things Done

Whether you use your F-150 truck for work or recreation, every feature is engineered for a specific goal — to help you make easy work out of the toughest jobs. With intelligent functionality already built-in, everything from hauling to home renovation to tailgating just got better.


Standard Bed Storage Box

With easier access to the bed, Ford is also adding even more functionality with a new bed storage box located behind one or both rear wheel wells.


Built Ford Tough Design

The classic grille and front-end design featured in premium F-150 models such as Lariat and Platinum has been specially re-designed for a sophisticated, modern appearance while still being instantly recognizable as a Ford F-Series vehicle. F-150 now has more distinct appearance packages designed to help meet every customer's need and use case.


Enhanced Digital Experiences

SYNC 4 with a 12-inch LCD capacitive touchscreen is now standard across the lineup and complements a standard 12-inch cluster screen behind the steering wheel in delivering helpful information to the driver.


Pro Power Onboard

Available Pro Power Onboard allows customers to use their F-150 as a mobile generator. Available 7.2kW on PowerBoost-equipped trucks – the most exportable power on demand of any gas-powered pickup truck in its class.


Best Payload

Best-in-class maximum available payload of 1113.5 kg


F-150 Tremor Off-Road Performance

The F-150 Tremor pickup sports a rugged off-road-tuned suspension, large breakover and departure angles and steel skid plates that instill confidence while traversing rocky trails. Meaty all-terrain tires and selectable drive modes help provide a firm grip on unforgiving territory.

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6521 Davis Industrial Pkwy, Solon, Ohio 44139 USA.

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from 9:00 to 21:00 (New York time) from 16:00 to 04:00 (Moscow time) *

Closed: SUNDAY

For emergency questions, you can call to call 7 days a week from 9:00 to 24:00 (New York time)


The time difference between Russia (Moscow) and the USA (New York and Cleveland) is -7 hours in summer, and -8 hours in winter. For example, when in Moscow it’s 7:00am, in Cleveland - MIDNIGHT The time difference between Belarus and Ukraine (Minsk and Kiev) and the USA (New York and Cleveland) is -7/8 hours.